
Spirit Horse offers a diverse program of guided horse experiences, natural horsemanship, equine assited healing, and horse wellbeing.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to personal circumstances we are not offering any program until further notice.

Explore our Program:

Healing With Horses

Healing With Horses

Access the extraordinary ability of horses to emotionally transform your life. Connecting to a horse will usually also connect you to yourself. It will connect you to aspects of yourself you didn’t think were there, and it will happen in ways you won’t expect are possible. This can open up new possibilities for transformation.

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Horse Whispering 101

Horse Whispering 101

Learn to listen to what horses are whispering , and how to whisper back! We will observe and learn about herd dynamic and how to see things the horses’ way. This helps make us better communicators, and ultimately better leaders.

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